Editor's Kid

A New Low for Trump

President Trump’s removal of PEACEFUL demonstrators from Lafayette Park yesterday with teargas, flash bangs and rubber bullets marked a new low in his presidency.

For a Photo Op?

He removed the demonstrators for a photo op! So he could stand in front of a historic Episcopal church rioters had attempted, but failed, to burn the night before. He was even holding a Bible upside down. Not his Bible, he said, but “a Bible.” Among those removed, by the way, were priests and other clergy who were among the protestors. And the Episcopal bishop has expressed dismay that the church was used in this way.

In One Sense Humorous

This would be funny if not so incredibly sad and so incredibly dangerous. We have a racist, lying and ineffective president who feels no empathy for what has sparked the protests and feels nothing for anyone but himself.

Rioting, Looting Must Stop

Every reasonable person agrees the rioting and looting must stop, even with the help of National Guard troops. But peaceful protests? Absolutely not. The diverse groups of demonstrators across the country are protesting the murders of black civilians by police. This has gone on too long in too many cities.

George Floyd is a Symbol

Mr. Floyd will be forever a symbol of the intolerance in the future of many Americans, including many in law enforcement, who feel better police personnel selection and training are needed.

Calls for Peaceful Protests

Here in San Marcos, TX, students at Texas State University were joined by community members last Friday in a completely peaceful protest. These are being mirrored nationwide.

Mr. Floyd’s Brother

Mr. Floyd’s youngest brother went to the makeshift memorial growing at the site of the murder by police on Monday, pleading with Americans to stop the rioting and looting. He begged people to protest only in peace.

Yet for Trump’s Alternative Reality

But in Donald Trump’s warped worldview peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment rights may be no different from rioters/looters. At least that’s what it looked like last night.

Call to Governors

In an alarming call to governors on Monday, Trump called upon them to stop the rioting and looting by using the National Guard. Failing that, he said, he would send the military in to states to quiet dissent.

May This Wind Down Peacefully

I  hope peaceful protests will be allowed to continue. And I hope the peaceful protestors are not injured by police, National Guard or–heaven forbid–American troops. This is a very sad time for America and a tipping point in our fragile democracy.