Editor's Kid

Alvin Bragg and other stuff

I’m a little tired of hearing how Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, is pursuing poor Donald Trump, a Republican ex-President who wants to be President again.

Of course, he’s a Democrat!

Of course, Bragg’s a Democrat! He’s holding a partisan office. And the people of New York have it set up that way. He’d have to be Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green Party, Libertarian or something else to run for the office. Does that impact his prosecutorial discretion? I hope to heck not!

Payoffs hanging a long time

The payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, both people with whom Trump is alleged to have had affairs, have been hanging around for several years. It’s time to hear the evidence and see what’s behind the pay-offs. Were they politically motivated? Were they accompanied by accounting irregularities which bump them into felony categories?

Bragg didn’t act along

Remember, Bragg didn’t bring the indictment. A Grand Jury did. And these men and women heard hours of testimony before issuing the indictment. Of course, Grand Jury proceedings are secret. And there is no opportunity for defense there. That comes with the trial.

So let’s get to it!

Let’s allow the justice system in New York to take care of this. And let’s stop second-guessing the process. Is this perhaps the least of the three big cases facing Donald Trump? Perhaps. The evidence will tell us this.

Oh, by the way

It wouldn’t have been appropriate to bring these charges while Trump was a sitting president, I suggest, so while the data is a few years old, it isn’t likely to have arisen to charges except within the past couple of years. And we know from media reports that Bragg hesitated at first, a move that caused two prosecutors in his office to resign.

In other matters

I am so sick of the Colonial Penn commercials. And I’m sorry such a stalwart as the late Alex Trebeck was involved with them as a spokesperson. What does $9.95 a month buy? $1,786 of insurance for a 50-year-old male to $418 of insurance for an 85-year-old male, according to what I found online. When I tried to call myself, the first question from the operator was a requirement to say “yes” before proceeding. I’d never do that, even with Mr. Trebeck’s assurance!