Editor's Kid

Bottom Up Relief, Come on People!

As details of the Senate’s coronavirus stimulus plan become known, it is obvious this is more about doling out billions to already rich companies while tossing mere crumbs to working families.

‘Robbery in Progress’

“This is a robbery in progress,” wrote David Dayen, executive editor at The American Prospect. “And it’s not a bailout for the coronavirus. It’s a bailout for twelve years of corporate irresponsibility that made these companies so fragile that a few weeks of disruption would destroy them.”

Pittance for Families

“The people get a [one-time] $1,200 means-tested payment and a little wage insurance for four months,” Dayen wrote. “Corporations get a transformative amount of play money to sustain their system and wipe out the competition.”

How is this hard to believe after the massive tax cut passed under the Trump administration that benefited corporations but did little for families?


So Let’s Go Women’s March!

Working families who have lost their income in the COVID-19 pandemic need more support than they are getting from the $2 trillion stimulus bill. So, a new women’s group is demanding that Congress pass the following provisions to protect them:

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Provide at least $2,000 for all adults and $1,000 for each child each month for the duration of the pandemic

🏦Suspend all consumer and small business credit payments

🚨Approve $5 billion in emergency homeless assistance

🏡Ban all evictions, foreclosures, and repossessions

🛠️Suspend rental and utility payments for assisted renters and provide rental and utility payment assistance for non-assisted renters

No Marching in Person

Since we can’t demonstrate in person, we need to show our collective strength by demanding a bottom-up bailout from Congress. And you can participate by signing the petition at this link:


In the meantime, stay safel.