Editor's Kid

Child Trauma at Border=Torture, Physicians Say

Sometimes it’s hard to believe this is America. A new story by the Guardian says the trauma children and their parents face at the border at the hands of the Trump administration constitutes torture. This was based upon the evaluations of 26 children and adults by Physicians for Human Rights.

First In-Depth Look

While many have speculated about this, the PHR review marked the first in-depth look at the psychological impact of family separation. The U.S. government apparently has continued this despite warnings from our country’s top medical bodies.

Not on Our Soil

“As a clinician, nobody was prepared for this to happen on our soil,” the report co-author Dr. Ranit Mishori, told the Guardian. “It is beyond shocking that this could happen in the United States, by americans, at the instruction and direct intention of U.S. government officials.”

Physician Evaluations

PHR volunteer psychiatrists evaluated 17 adults and nine children who had been separate from 30 to 90. days. And they found most met the criteria for at least. one mental health condition, including major depression, generalized anxiety and post-traumatic stress.

So Why Did They Come?

The psychiatrists found that the children’s and adults’ trauma was intensified because of the dire conditions from which they came. And added to that was the violence most experienced on the journey north. All but two of the adults had received death threats in their home countries. And 14 of the 17 were targeted by drug cartels. the parents feared for their children if they stayed in their home nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Cutting Off Aid

The problems the families faced in the Triangle countries was only exacerbated when the Trump administration reduced aid to help combat the problems there.

Children Drugged, Kidnapped, Poisoned

Almost all of the children had been drugged, kidnapped, poisoned or threatened by gangs before they left. And, sadly, the parents felt that coming to the United States would protect their children. But that is not what happened. I would think so too. Isn’t everyone entitled to claim asylum and at the very least be granted a hearing?

Shoved into Mexico

Of course, the current policy requires the asylum seekers to first ask for asylum in Mexico before coming here. This has created huge tent cities along the border that luckily charity groups help by providing food, blankets and clothing. But this is oh so wrong! And the way they are living is inhumane.

The Policy and Aftermath

As most of you know, the Trump administration instituted the child separation policy in April 2018. And while it ended it two months later, it has since been revealed that the administration separated thousands of families before and after the policy was in place.

Compounding the Problem

But the problem was compounded because there was no system to reunite the families, and the administration ignored warnings that the children would be traumatized. How could you do this to a child?

Government Ordered to Compensate

A federal court in November ordered the government to compensate for the trauma separated families faced. But how they will access help and compensation remains to be seen. And some reports say as many as 4,000 children remain separated, held in impersonal shelters along the border.

Not an America I Know

No matter your politics, this can’t be a country of which you could be proud. How and when will these children be reunited with their parents? How will the children’s and the parents’ trauma be addressed? When will the border situation be addressed? How can we risk keeping such a president in office?