Editor's Kid

Corona and Me

I don’t know about you, but I’m doing nothing to prepare for the Coronavirus.

I at age 73 have a somewhat compromised immune system, and my 99-year-old mother lives nearby in a nursing home.

But How to Prepare for the Unknown

I am assuming when the first cases hit Central Texas, some people I know, perhaps me or someone in my family, will become ill. But what can you do other than avoid public places?

Stocking Up

My daughter called me one day this week to say perhaps we should stock up on canned goods, sanitizers and water. My response, “I’m not going there.”

People can create their own shortages and crises by that behavior. And I am not joining them. Years ago, perhaps in the early 1970s, there was a toilet paper shortage. Why? It all started with a joke on the Johnny Carson show in 1973, a joke people believed. So soon word spread. People decided there was a shortage. And they started buying and hoarding the stuff.

School Closings

If something were to happen and, say, schools would close, I would have responsibility for my 6-year-old grandson. At that point, it might be wise to ensure plenty of food and drinks are on hand as my daughter suggested. But I hope things don’t get so dire.

My Mom’s Health and Mine

My mother is in good health, though she is confined to a wheelchair due to arthritis. She also has congestive heart failure, which hasn’t been an issue for a couple of years. My health? I have mild diabetes and asthma. I seem to get pneumonia about once a year. So my mom and I should be cautious.

Don’t Get Me Wrong

Please do not misunderstand. I am washing my hands more often and being careful about person-to-person contact. I think the threat and the death rates of 2 to 4 percent are real. I’ll take care should an outbreak be detected here, which surely it will be. But I am not panicking. As with other things, I’ll take this as it comes.


Note: The illustration of the virus above came from the Centers for Disease Control.

One thought on “Corona and Me

  1. My thoughts too. Ron was just talking about the toilet paper shortage the other day. I don’t remember it.

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