Editor's Kid

Corona and Me–Part 3

I’m no different from you. This just is not any fun, folks. Staying at home. Cooking every day. Planning ahead so we can have groceries delivered. And the fear, the fear, the fear.  What else can you say?

Kindergarten Teacher

Starting Monday, I’ll be my grandson’s kindergarten teacher with remote lessons sent from his teacher. For 40 years I have been a college-level teacher, but this has me scared out of my underwear! We’ll see how it goes. At least it should relieve the boredom. But Joey regards me as grandma, not someone to strictly adhere to school-like rules. During school hours I’ll be “Miss Mimi.” Otherwise, I’m just “Mimi.”

Grocery Shopping

I hate to cook, and I always said I hated grocery shopping. But I like it far better than trying to plan ahead for the grocery delivery. I’m a grocery store browser, and I always forget things on the list. Today, we paid extra for a delivery of things I’d forgotten. I hope I get better at this.

Living With My Family

My family is pretty amazing. My 29-year-old daughter is business office manager at the nursing home where my mother, 99, lives. My 6-year-old grandson is a handful but a delight. My husband of 13 years does well in his stepfather and step-grandfather role. But he has dementia, so I need to help him here and there.

However, back to my point, our house is pretty large, about 3,000 square feet with three bedrooms and three baths, so everyone has lots of room. Nonetheless, it’s starting to seem a bit small.

We also have two older dachshunds and a new puppy that seems to be gaining a pound a day (three. months old and 21 pounds!) We also have one very pissed off cat, who is upset about the new puppy. The old dachshunds aren’t too happy about that either. And we have five backyard chickens. My husband is planting vegetables today in our shady back yard. But maybe something will grow.

Sad and Scary Time for Everyone

I have it better than many. I have food to eat, a nice home and a lovely family. The pets are sweet, even the chickens who eat our garbage and provide us eggs. There are only two confirmed cases in our small town (62,000) so far. And things could be much worse. Maybe they will become so. But we’ve taken as many precautions as we can think to take.

As everyone says, stay safe!

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