Editor's Kid

Crisis at the Border, but Not New

Of course, there are more people flocking to the border. Climate change, economic hardship and hassles with drug cartels make people want to seek more opportunity and safety in the U.S.

Biden’s Balancing Act

But, according to the online Texas Tribune, Biden’s attempt to balance campaign promises to create a more compassionate immigration system is embroiled in what the Tribune calls “a public relations minefield.”

Trying to Keep Some Trump Restrictions

The Biden administration is trying to keep some Tump restrictions in place. He declares the borders are not open, while he tries to deal with the stream of unaccompanied minors coming across.

Republicans Love This

The president finds he’s a frequent target for Texas Republicans, including Governor Greg Abbott and U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. The critics ignore the fact that increases in border apprehensions began long before Biden took office.

Huge Numbers

Yet, more than 100,000 people were either apprehended by or surrendered to federal immigration officials in February, including about 9,460 unaccompanied minors and more than 19,240 family units, the Tribune said. Those are increases of more than 60 percent and 35 percent, respectively, when compared with January’s figures.

FEMA Presence

FEMA will maintain a presence on the border for three months to help receive and shelter unaccompanied minors after they cross the border. The agency has set up shelters in Midland and Dallas to temporarily house immigrant minors. The facilities can hold up to 700 and 2,300 people, respectively, the Washington Post reported.

Why Would This Happen?

But the story beyond the numbers is the important one. What would prompt parents to gather their children, leaving their worldly good behind, to set out for an uncertain future in a new land? What could prompt parents to send their minor children out on such a journey alone?

Addressing the Cause

We must as a nation help address the root cause of the dire poverty in those nations, while we grapple with the asylum seekers. Cutting off aid to those countries that happened during the Trump years only exacerbated the problem.

Time for Conciliation

Rather that hurling insults, GOP leaders should step up with solutions so bipartisan help can come to address the situation at the border.

Donations Needed

In the meantime, aid in the form of donations can be funneled through Team Brownsville or Angry Tias and Abuelas via https://www.teambrownsville.org/donate and https://www.angrytiasandabuelas.com/ as they struggle to help where they can.