Editor's Kid

Enough politics already!

I know we just have a bit over a week to go. But goodness, folks! I want no more emails, no more text messages and no more hand-wringing.

Will I stay or will I go?

I am so worried, so very worried, about this election that I’m trying to figure out where my husband and I could go if DJT wins the presidency. But, come on, we’re 75 and 78. Our children and grandchildren are here. Do I want to live in Portugal?

No guardrails now

I know I felt that way four years ago, too, and it was awful, just not that awful. But DJT had guardrails then. He didn’t have a U.S. Supreme Court who told him crimes were okay as president. He had high-minded and mostly well-qualified staff who tried to keep his strongest impulses in check. We won’t have that this time.

And then there’s my son-in-law

I truly love my daughter’s husband. He’s a great husband and father. He also is a Republican. And that’s fine. But he seems to take special delight this time in casting his DJT vote to cancel out my daughter’s…or it could be his own mother’s…or any other number of Iowans. But what’s he so angry at Democrats about? He says it’s about the cost of groceries and gas, something he blames on Biden-Harris. He watches news broadcasts. But, to me anyway, he’s not fully informed.

Democrats could have worked harder, better

Of course, Democrats could have worked harder and better. But my goodness, would it truly have helped? The divide is with us, in part given to us by DJT, in my opinion. It may take a generation for us to heal as it is, much less if he’s re-elected.

VP Harris has pizzazz and ideas

Our vice president has brought joy and a bit of spontaneity to the campaign that we needed. I suppose it may be dragging just a tad now, especially since polls seem to be closing. Nonetheless, I felt once she was unchained, so to speak, as the nominee, she and Gov. Walz brought great spark to the campaign.

They had warmth, personal charm and a sense of caring you never get from DJT or JDV.

But you know all this

You’ve either already voted or know who you’re voting for and why. What I say matters little to none. But I bet just like me you’ll be glad to see the ads gone, the texts gone and the emails gone. Perhaps, as DJT once said, this will be our last election. It may be mine, I suppose, but I certainly hope it’s now the collective ours.