Editor's Kid

Getting Ready to List House

Wow, what a frenetic past few weeks we’ve had! We’re getting our 3,200-square-foot historical home ready to sell.

Daughter fell in love in Iowa

This was precipitated by my daughter and 7-year-old grandson moving to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where my daughter will marry a long-time beau. With them gone, we had no reason to keep such a large house.

Painting, cleaning, clearing

So we’ve had a painter/handyman working almost non-stop for weeks painting the outside trim and inside rooms. We held a three-day giant yard/estate sale. And we’re still clearing out items we won’t need in a downsized home.

Lots of “stuff”

It’s amazing what one accumulates, not just in the 12 years we’ve lived in this precious house, but over a lifetime. My husband collected over his life and brought that with him when we married 13 years ago. I collected over a lifetime too.

And the left behind “stuff”

Then, there were the things my daughter left behind when she moved. And I still had many of my late parents’ items.

Getting there

But we’re getting there, and this home–the oldest occupied home in San Marcos, TX–will go on the market in about a week.

Where are we heading?

Since my daughter and grandson are now in Iowa, we plan to head for the Missouri/Arkansas Ozarks, hoping to find something with views and trees. After we get a contract on the house we’ll begin house hunting in earnest. We may rent awhile.


I’m grateful I’ve cleared out a lot of the artifacts of my life, so my daughter won’t have to later. I hope to get more done before the house sells.

Rolltop desk

I’ve written before about the massive roll-top desk where the only newspaper editor ever shot and killed in the line of duty was murdered. I’m taking that apart and giving it back to my home town, Gallatin, MO, where I’m told it eventually will be in a local museum.  I’m happy with that decision.


I also have found massive numbers of photos which need to be sorted. But those picture memories will have to wait. For the move, they’ll be boxed and transported.

Missing this life

I have lived in San Marcos 12 years and Hays County for 27. While the summers are too hot, I love everything else about the area. The Hill Country is beautiful, and the San Marcos River is a gem. I’m on the city Planning & Zoning Commission and serve as a Democratic precinct chair. I’ll miss my associations there and through the San Marcos Universal Unitarian Fellowship.

Seems the right decision

But this seems the right decision. It had better be. I don’t want to go through it again!

2 thoughts on “Getting Ready to List House

  1. Sounds like a lot of difficult decisions to be made. Hope you find a great “new” home. I remember that desk. Happy to hear it will be on display for others to see.

    1. Thanks, Patti. Now I just have to get it taken apart and find places for all the “stuff” in there!


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