Editor's Kid

Halloween and Thanksgiving with COVID

The Halloween lights are up outside, and the pumpkins are ready. We even have one bag of candy. And my grandson, 7, has a very scary new costume.

Halloween in the Age of COVID

But what will Halloween in the age of COVID look like? We live in one of the city’s “hot spots,” and we usually have between 1,200 and 1,600 youngsters for trick or treating. I don’t know what will materialize this year.

Not for Me

I know this. With my underlying health conditions, I won’t take part. But my daughter will want to invite a few friends over, I know, so I’ll have food to serve for a few. That’s dangerous enough as it is. So I won’t go outside for any trick or treating.

And What About Thanksgiving?

I’ve had as many as 13 around the dining room table for Thanksgiving. Not this year. It will just be my husband and I, my daughter and grandson. No one else will venture out, nor would we welcome a family gathering.

Dr. Fauci’s Plans

Dr. Anthony Fauci said he wasn’t getting together with his own children for Thanksgiving, so what’s good enough for him is good enough for me.

Getting Too Relaxed

I’ve hardly left the house since last February. But I notice many people are becoming more complacent. If they don’t have underlying conditions or age issues, maybe that’s okay. But even younger people get very sick….or worse.

Err on the Side of Caution

I don’t want to live to 100 anyway (more like 85). But I do want my remaining years to be as illness free as possible. And my idea of going isn’t hooked to a ventilator on COVID. So I’ll play it as safe as I can, thanks.