Editor's Kid

How quickly Andrew Cuomo slid

Early in the COVID pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo emerged as a real hero in a country hungry for just that.

Media aired his rambling

The media aired his long daily press conferences as New York was at the epicenter of the new pandemic. He was quick to say all he was doing to fight it despite the lack of federal guidance and material help. He came across as believable and genuine. This was at a time when there were few words and no leadership on this topic from the Trump administration.

Presidential material

In those long, winding press conferences, Cuomo complained about federal support. His message fell on ready ears since many states were struggling with increasing cases, too few hospital beds, too little equipment and little PPE for front-line staff. He was so impressive, many suggested he run for president, though Cuomo said he was only interested in serving as governor.

But now

But now? No one would consider him as a future president. Many are calling for his resignation as governor and others suggest he shelve a plan to seek a fourth gubernatorial term.


The governor, who has been known as a bully through his adult life, now has bigger problems. The state Legislature has passed a bill stripping him of emergency powers he was given due to the pandemic. His administration is accused of under-reporting COVID nursing home deaths by up to 50 percent.

And in Me-Too 2….

And in a followup to the Me-Too Movement, at least five women have accused Cuomo of inappropriate contact or suggestions. The New York attorney general is investigating.

We Tend to Bash Our Heroes, But…

We do tend to bash our heroes. But they really need to act like heroes, not bullies or worse.