
If It’s “Wag the Dog,” the Timing is Off

Who knows why President Trump ordered the assassination of a top Iranian military leader last week? A distraction from his pending impeachment trial? A way to garner re-election? Boredom on the golf course?

Ill Thought Out and Dangerous

I’ve been living with television news and leading media reports since the drone assassination occurred. And the reasons are yet to be made clear. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on four different networks today, yet still provided no real answers.

“Wag the Dog” and Trump

If this was a diversion to help the president win re-election, the pundits seem to say the timing is off. This should have been timed for closer to next November. The takeoff, of course, refers to a movie purportedly about President Clinton’s effort to distract attention from his sex scandal.

Dangerous Game, No Matter the Reason

From the news reports I have heard both Presidents George W. Bush and Barak Obama considered the assassination of this Iranian official. But they backed down due to unknown consequences. Trump apparently was not concerned with those.

Unintended Consequences

The president is risking the lives of our service people and embassy workers throughout the Middle East and beyond. The president is risking another lengthy Middle Eastern war when he promised to end such conflict.

No Real Foreign Policy

This is another example of the president’s foreign policy that flies by the seat of his pants. We can no longer afford this. It is simply too dangerous.