Editor's Kid

Losers, Sore Losers and Trump

It’s more than unbelievable the way Donald Trump is handling his loss to Joe Biden. And who would care, except it impacts national security and personal safety!

Why did he lose?

Let’s just try to count the ways.

He lied almost every time he opened his mouth.

He courted relationships with dictators and strongmen, while ignoring and insulting our allies.

He failed to deliver on most of his promises. Yes, the economy improved for a while, mostly because of measures put into place during the Obama administration.

He applied no uniform policy to deal with the coronavirus as some 274,000 people died and many lost jobs, plummeting many of them immediately into poverty.

He rolled back environmental regulations that had protected sensitive areas and species.

He held super-spreader rallies in the midst of the pandemic, subjecting many to the danger of illness. The aftermath of those rallies showed that to be true.

When Trump himself contracted COVID, he brushed it off, though he was seriously ill in Walter Reed Hospital for several days. The difference? He received top-of-the-line medical care, which many Americans can’t afford or gain access to if they could afford.

He hired inept cabinet members in most areas, and then fired those who may have been capable.

That’s enough for now.

What comes now?

The president must accept the results of the election, so that Joe Biden can have access to intelligence and security briefings.  If he doesn’t, the new administration will start a bit crippled. Thank goodness Biden already has a lot of experience from the Senate and his eight years as vice president. That will help…..some.

Can’t we just move on?

Can’t President Trump quit acting like a baby. He needs to cooperate with Biden on the transition. He also needs to act as president for the next few weeks, especially concerning the virus.

The country needs leadership

The USA needs solid leadership and vision, now as well as starting January 20. Please put on your “big boy” pants and act like you need to, Donald Trump. As it is you’re setting a new pattern for the idea of loser, sore loser and then Donald Trump.