Editor's Kid

My Car and Me

It’s been many years since I’ve driven a new car. But I’m usually driving one that isn’t more than a few years old and one that looks pretty good.

Who Banged Repeatedly Into My Door?

That’s why I’ve been toying with having my driver’s side car door repainted where my husband has banged his passenger door into it repeatedly without thinking. Yes, granted, some of the damage could have happened in various parking lots.

I Like the Car to Look Good

But I get the car cleaned and vacuumed professionally every month. And I am careful to keep the inside free of debris.

Ha! I Only Thought Looks Were Important

However, my experience the past two weeks makes me understand that looks aren’t all that matters. Last week I was driving with my 5-year-old grandson in the car when it suddenly started screeching at us! A sign flashed on the dash that said the car was overheated and must be turned off. Since we were in the midst of traffic we didn’t do that. But we hurried home and then to the dealership. We also turned the air conditioning off even though it was 105 degrees outside!

After Four Days…

After keeping the car for four days (granted, two of them the weekend), they returned the car to me supposedly all fixed. So off I went. I drove the car home and noticed the temperature gauge seemed a little high. But it was fixed right? The next day, after driving two blocks I received the same flashing warning (no screech this time) that said I must stop the car.

So Now I Wait

I couldn’t run my errands today. These included, among other things, taking disposable briefs to my 99-year-old mother in a nursing home. (The home provides products, but she prefers what I bring.) The tow truck should be here in a few minutes. And in the morning the dealership will send a courtesy vehicle to pick me up so I can go get a loaner car. (Thank goodness for those!)

Walkable, Bikeable

The City of San Marcos, Texas, where I live, has goals of making the city more walkable and bikeable. It sounds wonderful, right? But it’s 102 degrees outside today with high humidity. I live about four blocks from a grocery store and close to coffee shops and restaurants. But, the heat!

Even when it’s not hot, I must remember (though I don’t want to) that I’m 72. I have an artificial knee and a rod in my leg from a broken femur and a bit of arthritis. So….

I’ll Be Glad, Though When the Car is Fixed

While I’ll be glad when the car is fixed, I’m not sure if I’ll trust it again. And I’m annoyed that I’m so dependent. But I am.