Editor's Kid

Please Stop!

It’s not brain surgery to say that the violence in Portland, Kenosha and other American cities has to stop. It’s obvious the President hasn’t helped, but local law enforcement probably hasn’t done all it could either.

Blame Game

But for each so-called side to blame the other isn’t helpful. I think Kenosha and Portland police and other law enforcement officers, even National Guard, have been doing their best. But it was shocking to see Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois near-child (17) walking down the street by police officers after shooting three people, killing two, with no officers stopping.

Peaceful Protests Mostly

Of course, thousands of people marched peacefully in Washington, D.C., Saturday on the 57th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech without incident, so we know this is possible. In fact, we know such marches are needed to help us make the changes we need to make the country better for everyone.

Racial Justice and Equity

The reckoning in the country is needed now to avoid future racial injustice and the slaying of Black men at the hands of white police officers. It’s so long overdue. We’ve learned in this summer of unrest that White Supremacists will take advantage of such opportunities. And why? Because they fear change. But change we must.

All You Need to Know

If you want a simple example about why things need to change, think about Jacob Blake. He was trying to get into his car and was shot in the back seven times by police. As far as we know now, he was unarmed, though he had a knife in his SUV, where he was carrying his three young children. Young Kyle Rittenhouse, on the other hand, killed two people and injured another and was taken into custody without incident. As mentioned above, he was ignored as he walked down the street after his crime with an assault weapon swinging. Come on!

But Please, Please Stop

But let’s bring things to a halt. Peaceful protest is protected by the First Amendment and is welcome. Violence, armaments and vitriol is not. No one else needs to die. No more stores need to be burned. America needs to calm itself the heck down.


I noted on Smerconish on CNN today that viewers said the President’s response to COVID, not the social unrest, would be more influential in the November election. The vote was about 60-40.