Editor's Kid

Profits over social responsibility

I don’t care what it’s called. But Facebook, Instagram and now Meta have put profits over social responsibility. And I’m tired of Mark Zuckerberg’s non-explanations.

We’re supporting Meta now?

He’s already proven to be too profit-driven to support Facebook and Instagram adequately. So now he wants to re-name the company Meta and expand the technology offerings? Do we trust this? Where is the company’s commitment to social responsibility? As a trained journalist and journalism educator, that factor is all-important.

Not me!

I enjoy Facebook where I keep up with far-flung friends, high school and college classmates and relatives. I post rarely but enjoy the posts of others. I don’t use Instagram though my 31-year-old daughter does.

Attorneys general investigation

And now we know that Meta-owned Instagram is being investigated by at least 10 attorneys general, a bi-partisan group. Why? Because of its impact on the mental health of teen-age users.

Meta says all is fine

While Meta says there is no need for such a probe, many believe otherwise.

Now the metaverse

What exactly is the metaverse and will we need to be Facebook users to go there? How close is the idea to fruition.

Network of virtual environments

The metaverse actually is a network of virtual environments where people can interact with one another and digital objects while operating avatars of themselves.

Concept from science fiction

The term metaverse comes from science fiction. Many people in the technology industry envision it as the successor to today’s internet. It’s only a vision at this point. But technology companies like Facebook are aiming to make it the setting for many online activities. These include work, play, studying and shopping. Facebook (or Zuckerberg) obviously is so sold on the concept that it has changed the company name to Meta, as you know by now.

My take

For what it’s worth, I’ll continue enjoying my limited use of Facebook. I’ll continue feeling Mr. Zuckerberg is too profit-hungry and perhaps immature to deserve our support. And I’ll look to Congress to see if this platform deserves regulation like radio and television. And I’m cheering on those attorneys general in their investigations into Instagram.