Editor's Kid

Ready to Move

So, we’re ready to move…. almost.

Eureka Springs, Here We Come!

Our house sold quickly at a bit more than asking price, so that was nice. And we close on July 26, which seems nearer each day. We’ve found a house half the size of ours in Eureka Springs, AR, a picturesque town of 2000 in the Ozark Mountains.

Goodwill and Price Center

Thank goodness for Goodwill, the Hays County Food Bank and the Price Center! We’ve taken many loads of unwanted but usable and nice items there and hope they find new homes. We’ve also sold a lot of items, some of them furniture that was very hard to part with.

Then There Are Pictures

And, then, there are pictures! I have a whole boxful that represents my late mother’s life, a scrapbook of photos compiled by my grandmother and four desk drawers of photos of my husband’s family but mostly my daughter growing up. Should I sort, toss and organize? You bet! Will I get to it? Unsure.

And then there are framed photos. They take up lots of room but are hard to part with, too.

Going Away Gathering

Some friends I have worked with on city projects organized a going-away gathering for me at a popular local hangout. It was touching and wonderful to get to say our goodbyes. The city planning staff also sent me flowers on my last day as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner. I’ll miss them and that work.

About Leaving

I love San Marcos, TX, especially the community it was when I moved to Hays County 25 years ago. Then, the college had an enrollment of about 20,000 students, compared with its roughly 50,000 today, and the city was relatively traffic free. It prides itself on its growth. But too much of that growth, I fear, comes from college-related apartment construction. Too little comes from affordable housing.

Eureka, on the Other Hand

On the other hand, Eureka, with 2,000 people compared to San Marcos’ 50,000, still has a small town feel. It’s a very liberal, tolerant city. The congestion is caused by tourism and twisting mountainous streets. Since I grew up in a town of 1,600, I believe this will be an easy adjustment.

Doctors, Doctors

However, finding doctors won’t be as simple as here. And we’ll likely need to travel to Fayetteville, an hour away, for most specialist appointments. Tele-medicine should help.


We’ll also change to the local bank since there are no Wells Fargo banks in Arkansas. Wells Fargo isn’t popular with me now anyway due to some of its recent retail banking moves and the account scandal it still suffers from.

Overall, Though

Overall, we think we made a good choice with the house. We’re downsizing to a reasonable square footage, though I’ll have lots to sell on eBay or at a local antique outlet once we arrive. We’ll also enjoy our 10 acres of river frontage with lots of trees. Fall should be spectacular! And we’ll be an easy day’s drive from my daughter in Iowa, rather than two days from here.