Editor's Kid

Remember who’s responsible

I found yesterday’s House hearing on the Joe Biden impeachment fascinating. Primarily it was interesting because of the lack of evidence produced. And secondarily it was interesting because what business did 40-some members of Congress have sitting there with a government shutdown looming?

Certainly the president should be accountable

Of course, President Biden should be accountable if he’s committed high crimes and misdemeanors. And I don’t object to a process at an appropriate time for uncovering any wrongdoing. And I really wish Hunter Biden had cleaned up his own act a long time ago and not besmirched the family name.

Those things have been said

But was yesterday the right time when other things were obviously more pressing? While that has been repeated in many locations, it’s worth saying again. Why do we elect people to office? It’s to run the government, right?

And what do we have?

What we have instead are instances of congressional infighting to the point that no business is transacted. PLEASE, PLEASE, remember who is responsible when you next go to the ballot box.

U.S.-Mexican border issues

The GOP members say a big area of concern is more control of the border. Yet, those same members are willing to work on impeaching a president rather than ensuring those working at the border now get paychecks. Do they want the budget to fund more border patrol agents? What’s their solution? Let’s get it into an interim budget, and get that passed. But that hardly sounds like saving money as those GOP members say they want to do.

The indicted former president’s deficit

Remember, too, that the twice-impeached, four times indicted former president helped bloat our national debt by $7 trillion dollars while last in office. He did this while spearheading tax cuts for the richest Americans. And his followers voted for that.

Speaker McCarthy

Obviously Kevin McCarthy sold out too much of his power in an effort to gain the coveted speakership. He hasn’t been able to lead. And why? Because he’s made it too easy for just one person to call at any time for his removal. So he is walking a constant tightrope, not to help the American people, but to retain his gavel. He’s making decisions for all the wrong reasons.

Vote for people who reflect your values

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You must vote for people who reflect your values. That extends to women’s rights to control their bodies. That extends to having a functioning government. That extends to avoiding dragged-out impasses over the debt ceiling and budget. That includes paying soldiers who are on duty. That includes paying air traffic controllers who are on duty. That includes paying the TSA agents who keep flights safe. That includes keeping national parks open.

My vote

I won’t vote for anyone who backs extreme abortion legislation. I won’t vote for anyone who threatens to jail librarians for the way they do their jobs. I won’t vote for anyone who backs publicly-funded school vouchers. And I certainly, certainly won’t vote for anyone who is responsible for the upcoming and needless government shutdown.