Editor's Kid

Secrets, secrets and more secrets….awww, Joe

I’m really sick that Top Secret documents have been found in President Biden’s possession. Now, they’ve been found in at least three places, his office in Washington, in his garage with his Corvette and now in his home office.

Come on, Joe!

The stories are quite different between what President Biden did and what former President Donald Trump did. But both are guilty of holding on to items that weren’t theirs to keep.

Did either president order this?

Did either president purposely keep the documents? Biden apparently didn’t. Trump apparently did. But both are guilty of carelessness with the nation’s security. And both now will have to answer to a Special Prosecutor.

Biden’s staff found and turned over

The key difference here, of course is that Biden’s staff found the mishandled documents on their own and turned them over. Trump didn’t handle things that way. Instead, the U.S. Justice Department had to seek a search warrant in order to retrieve what belongs to the government.

But neither looks good

Neither politician looks good…..or even trustworthy. Biden was quick to criticize Trump over the Mar-a-Lago scandal. Now he has egg dripping and dripping off his face. Will this impact his re-election bid? I would think so.

GOP wannabe’s

While Ron DeSantis is chomping at the bit to run, it seems, there will be others who will take up the GOP call, no doubt.

But who from the Democrats?

But the Democrats aren’t as well prepared. Kamala Harris would seem to be a natural. But her time as vice president has been lackluster. She’s had problems with a disorganized office.

And she hasn’t gotten any traction on immigration, a key thing I thought she was being entrusted to do. Nonetheless, just who is shining in the Democratic Party?

On the bench

Perhaps waiting on the bench are re-elected governors Jared Polis of Colorado and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. Or Pennsylvania’s meme master John Fetterman, who overcame a stroke to win a Senate seat. Or even Pennsylvania’s Governor Josh Shapiro.

Let’s see what happens

We’ll just have to see what happens with the purloined documents–of both presidents.