Editor's Kid

Sex and the media….hell, just about everyone

The latest sex scandal that has rocked ABC, specifically Good Morning America, I guess should come as no surprise. But it does.

Don’t People Learn Anything?

Don’t people learn that you can’t hide indiscretions? And the fact that you tried makes the damage all the worse. It leads to a demoralized staff and hurts the credibility of a news organization at just the wrong time. But ABC did that, and I’ll have trouble feeling the same about my standby Good Morning America. I will note my favorite in the GMA lineup, George Stephanopoulos, encouraged the woman now suing the network to report the incident, though she apparently was discouraged from doing so by others.

And Jeffrey Toobin, for Goodness Sake!

I always admired Jeffrey Toobin, trusted him. But the idea that he would have been on a New Yorker/ WNYC Radio Zoom call while masturbating is just more than my mind can handle. Being caught in pajama bottoms at a Zoom meeting is one thing. But Jeffrey raised things to a whole new level.

We Really Need Credible Media Now

We really need credible media now, and the Matt Lauer’s, not to mention the Michael Korn’s (ABC) and Jeffrey Toobin’s of the world, are not helping. They make the media a mockery, something tawdry and something lacking in credibility.

My Secretary Years Ago

But it’s not just the media. I had a secretary years ago who told me a story about her first job out of high school. The boss called her into his office, closed the door and asked for sex. She said, “No,” and he seemed to accept that. When she went into his office later, he asked her to close the door. And he was behind his desk with no pants or underwear on.

She quit immediately and left.

Me? Innuendo and Putdowns, but That’s It!

I’ve had my share of sexual innuendo and putdowns. But I haven’t been propositioned by a boss, thank goodness. But I’ve known many people who have been, men and women. Really shameful to use power this way.

We in the Media

We in the media are here to cover the misdeeds of others, not ourselves. And when we’re forced to do that, it really hurts our credibility. And we’re not all that credible just now anyway. Walter Cronkite would be sad. I know I am.


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