Editor's Kid

Should Biden run again? Who else?

Joe Biden has successfully handled many things, including the raging pandemic, since he took office. He’s had so many balls in the air at a time, it’s amazing how well he’s been able to juggle.

The Balls?

The balls? Well, as mentioned, there is the Covid pandemic. He did a great job at getting people organized and vaccinated right out of the gate. He also put forth successful Covid relief that helped many economically. Then as inflation raged in the aftermath of the pandemic, he did what he could so far to stem that. We now have record job creation and record low unemployment. But inflation nags at the heels of that. Then there is Afghanistan. Surely our departure was necessary, though he stumbled badly in the logistics.  But in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he has single-handedly been credited with uniting NATO. Remember, this important alliance was on the brink of tumbling while Donald Trump was in office. Baby formula? He’s doing what he can for what should have been a free market issue. We can’t after all tell the government to stay out of our business, then call upon it when crises develop and expect a quick fix. Gun control? He’s still working on that. Abortion rights? We’re seeing our rights diminished before our eyes as state after state pass exceedingly restrictive measures. The Catholic Biden has stated his position. Congress tried to act. But as with most things, the GOP Senators are blocking progress with the help of a few Democratic defectors like Joe Manchin. Let’s don’t forget the historic infrastructure bill, too.

Given Everything

Has he united the country? I don’t think so. Has he solved all of the country’s problems? No way. Are people unhappy? You bet. But remember the choices? Biden or Trump. Who would have done better? Who will do better going forward–the lying misogynist whose ego is wrapped around every decision or this decent human being who has 30 years of experience in getting things done. He’ll get us there if we give him a chance.

The Midterms

However, the midterms will likely bring more difficulty for Biden, when he may lose control of both the House and Senate. The nation’s unhappiness may come home to roost in the election of those on the extreme Right. So sad, when so much needs to get done.

But Who Else?

Neither the GOP or Democrats have solid leaders waiting in the wings to take the helm. Vice President Kamala Harris has stumbled badly so far in her role. Former Vice President Mike Pence, on the other side, doesn’t seem like a good choice. There are great people out there on both sides, but they aren’t known and likely won’t be with strong personalities dominating the media.

Go With Joe

For my bets, I’m hanging with Joe for now. If his health and age change things, then we’ll give others a hard look. But with the Russia threat hanging over Europe and with Biden’s successes in other areas, I think he’s the one for us to hang with.


P.S. Michael Smerconish ran a poll on his Saturday show this week asking if Biden should announce now that he won’t run. The poll was split nearly evenly 50-50.