Editor's Kid

Broken leg, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, etc.

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I haven’t posted for a bit. On August 4, I was incredibly careless and fell at my home, breaking my femur at the ball joint. After a 4.5-hour surgery at a hospital in Springfield, Mo., about two hours away from home, the surgeon was able to repair things. This was all complicated by an earlier […]

Editor's Kid

What the Mid-Terms are….and should be

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Why, oh why, do the Mid-Terms always have to shape up as a referendum on the party in power? Why can’t they just be about the issues at hand. What’s happening so far So far, it appears the Mid-Terms are a showdown between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It’s not presidential election season, folks, so […]

Editor's Kid

What the Election Says About Us

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Thomas Friedman of The New York Times was a guest on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show the other night. He said this election says more about “us” as a country than it does about Donald Trump or Joe Biden. What the Heck Does That Mean? What the heck does that mean? It means that the election […]