Editor's Kid

Fareed Zakaria’s Good News Numbers

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Fareed Zakaria set off the alarm bells during his CNN program on Sunday. But he did it with good news, not bad. He said the coronavirus fatalities might be much lower than earlier projected. That’s great. But I’m Wondering But for someone who has been under self-quarantine for more than two weeks I’m wondering. Could […]

Editor's Kid

Corona and Me–Part 3

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I’m no different from you. This just is not any fun, folks. Staying at home. Cooking every day. Planning ahead so we can have groceries delivered. And the fear, the fear, the fear.  What else can you say? Kindergarten Teacher Starting Monday, I’ll be my grandson’s kindergarten teacher with remote lessons sent from his teacher. […]

Editor's Kid

Corona and me Part II

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Well, so much for my ideas about the coronavirus and me. My 29-year-old daughter entered the picture and lovingly explained my options: Go along with her program or become critically ill. Our Food Stocks We’re now well stocked with toilet paper, paper towels and basics like pasta and sauce. Our freezer and refrigerator are filled. […]

Editor's Kid

Corona and Me

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I don’t know about you, but I’m doing nothing to prepare for the Coronavirus. I at age 73 have a somewhat compromised immune system, and my 99-year-old mother lives nearby in a nursing home. But How to Prepare for the Unknown I am assuming when the first cases hit Central Texas, some people I know, […]