Editor's Kid

Secrets, secrets and more secrets….awww, Joe

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I’m really sick that Top Secret documents have been found in President Biden’s possession. Now, they’ve been found in at least three places, his office in Washington, in his garage with his Corvette and now in his home office. Come on, Joe! The stories are quite different between what President Biden did and what former […]

Editor's Kid

Trump, the media and my students

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I know you understand the idea of Donald Trump and the news media. Obviously, the circus has begun. But you may be wondering what that has to do with my University of Phoenix students. I think they are all related. And they have broader implications. Student response sad and frightening I teach four different communication […]

Editor's Kid

What the Mid-Terms are….and should be

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Why, oh why, do the Mid-Terms always have to shape up as a referendum on the party in power? Why can’t they just be about the issues at hand. What’s happening so far So far, it appears the Mid-Terms are a showdown between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It’s not presidential election season, folks, so […]


Don’t give up on Biden yet

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Democrats obviously took an unwanted, though perhaps needed, cold shower in Virginia this week. More about candidates than party But I think this was more about a lackluster performance by the Democratic candidate than a scorecard on the Biden administration. The candidate simply misspoke or was ill prepared at times. And he was faced by […]

Editor's Kid

Never Texan

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I’ve lived in Texas longer than I’ve ever lived anywhere, but I don’t belong. Why? Let me count the reasons. Red State While wonderful Governor Ann Richards was at the helm when I arrived here in 1994, GOP governors have been in charge since. And while my county has turned blue for the most part, […]

Editor's Kid

Leadership by a Madman

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This is a sad day in America. Madman Encouraged Terrorism How sad that Donald Trump (he doesn’t deserve to have President in front of his name) led people to march on the Capitol. He himself just issued the challenge, then scurried away. The thugs, goons and terrorists who did his bidding resulted in disruption of […]

Editor's Kid

Trump’s Last Hurrah

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Obviously what is written below happened before today’s violence at the U.S. Capitol. What a shame this president has brought upon us. What I wrote was in the early morning hours today as I was feeling joy about the election results in Georgia. As for Twitter, Trump should have been suspended long ago. He’s a […]

Editor's Kid

Losers, Sore Losers and Trump

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It’s more than unbelievable the way Donald Trump is handling his loss to Joe Biden. And who would care, except it impacts national security and personal safety! Why did he lose? Let’s just try to count the ways. He lied almost every time he opened his mouth. He courted relationships with dictators and strongmen, while […]

Editor's Kid

What the Election Says About Us

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Thomas Friedman of The New York Times was a guest on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show the other night. He said this election says more about “us” as a country than it does about Donald Trump or Joe Biden. What the Heck Does That Mean? What the heck does that mean? It means that the election […]

Editor's Kid

A New Low for Trump

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President Trump’s removal of PEACEFUL demonstrators from Lafayette Park yesterday with teargas, flash bangs and rubber bullets marked a new low in his presidency. For a Photo Op? He removed the demonstrators for a photo op! So he could stand in front of a historic Episcopal church rioters had attempted, but failed, to burn the […]