Editor's Kid

Who Should Be Prosecuted?

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A school teacher from Pennsylvania was on Smerconish this morning on CNN. He’s been suspended by his school for being at the Washington Monument on January 6. He took part in no rioting or destruction. So What Should Happen? To me, the teacher was simply exercising his First Amendment right. He joined hundreds of people […]

Editor's Kid

What Threat is Concentration of Media Ownership?

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When the Founding Fathers placed the First Amendment to the Constitution first, I think that was by design. That amendment, while protecting freedom of the press, also protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances. Marketplace of Ideas While the press was fiery […]

Editor's Kid

News is a Serious Business, but Humor Happens

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People in the news business take their professions seriously. But sometimes errors sneak through. A column I found belonging to my father that was never published contained, among other things, the following: “News gatherers and editors are inclined to take their jobs seriously. But there is that leveler of journalism–the typographical error. Someone with more […]