
Teapot domes are all around us!

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Why should we care about Hunter Biden’s possible influence on his father as he made deals around the world? Why do we care what Ginni Thomas does for a living? Why do we care where Congressional and Senate candidates get money for their campaigns? They work for us, right? It’s all pretty simple, isn’t it? […]

Editor's Kid

Remember who’s responsible

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I found yesterday’s House hearing on the Joe Biden impeachment fascinating. Primarily it was interesting because of the lack of evidence produced. And secondarily it was interesting because what business did 40-some members of Congress have sitting there with a government shutdown looming? Certainly the president should be accountable Of course, President Biden should be […]

Editor's Kid

Joe and Hunter Biden

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I’m a lifelong Democrat and about as liberal as they come. But that does not mean I have never voted for a Republican. Just wanted to get that out of the way. I Don’t Know About Biden as Nominee While I don’t yet know if Biden is the best Democratic nominee to be Donald Trump, […]