Editor's Kid

How long should I live?

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I’ve been thinking a lot about that question. And, in fact, I even discussed it with my primary care physician during my recent annual checkup. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who has very impressive credentials, bolstered my argument in a recent New York Times interview and on Smerconish on CNN last Saturday. Well respected physician Emanuel, a […]

Editor's Kid

Happy holidays at the border

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Yes, here I go again, but two recent news stories have really gotten to me during this season of good will and sharing. First, the New York Times reported this week that since last December, three migrant children have died from influenza in facilities along the border, where migrants routinely complain that cold temperatures sicken […]

Editor's Kid

What Threat is Concentration of Media Ownership?

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When the Founding Fathers placed the First Amendment to the Constitution first, I think that was by design. That amendment, while protecting freedom of the press, also protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances. Marketplace of Ideas While the press was fiery […]