Editor's Kid

Labor of Love

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This spring and summer I’ve been involved in a long labor of love. This involves taking my late father’s three books and preparing them for reprinting as Amazon paperbacks and Kindle ebooks. The work hasn’t been easy. But it really has brought me back in touch with Dad. In fact, it feels like he’s been […]

Editor's Kid

Nagasaki Inferno

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In his book Para(graph) Trooper for MacArthur, my father talks about taking the first group of correspondents into Nagasaki after the dropping of the atomic bomb. The dropping of the bomb caused Japan to surrender in World War II. Why is This Important? I’m writing at a time when we’ve seen increased tensions in the […]

Editor's Kid

Divine Intervention on a Tiny Pacific Island

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My father talks in his book Para(graph) Trooper for MacArthur about a World Are II incident in which he believes divine intervention saved his life. This begins with a man named John Edwards, a Pennsylvanian who maintained supplies for the troops. He and Dad shared a tent on the tiny Pacific island of Morotai. Shared […]