Editor's Kid

War made easy and other thoughts about world conflict

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I was recently disquieted when I watched a film from 2006 called “War Made Easy.” It is based on a book by the same name by former columnist Norman Solomon and narrated by Sean Penn. RootsAction The film was offered by a group, RootsAction, that works to promote equal justice and end war. On its […]

Editor's Kid

Tulsa wasn’t the only one….

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Washington Post Associate Editor Eugene Robinson reminds us in a heart-breaking column that Tulsa wasn’t the only place in America where massacres of black citizens occurred at the hands of whites. Tulsa’s 100th anniversary While Tulsa is receiving notoriety on its 100th anniversary, other communities suffered too. Robinson says, “No one should be under the […]

Editor's Kid

What Threat is Concentration of Media Ownership?

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When the Founding Fathers placed the First Amendment to the Constitution first, I think that was by design. That amendment, while protecting freedom of the press, also protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances. Marketplace of Ideas While the press was fiery […]