Editor's Kid

The New Puppy

I wrote earlier about the sad loss of our terrier Nassi. She was accidentally hit by her mother’s (my daughter) car in the driveway. The result was devastating.

The Last Thing I Needed

Probably a new puppy was the last thing I needed with two older dachshunds already in the household (along with an older female cat who rules things and five chickens). But a new puppy seemed to me to be a good way to cheer up my devastated daughter and her son, Joey, 6.

I saw the puppy’s picture on Facebook. He’d been part of a litter placed during an event at PetSmart, but he and. a littermate were left. They would be available on Tuesday at the local animal shelter.

Sent a Picture

I send a picture of this roly-poly puppy to my daughter. And we agreed to meet at the shelter when it opened the following Tuesday. We met up. My daughter sized up others waiting in the parking lot for the shelter to open wondering how she could get to the door first. In fact, we went to wait at the door five minutes early, only to learn the other “waiters” were there for different pets.

Once inside, we met the five-pound ball of fur labeled a “terrier.” I thought by the size of his paws he likely not be the size of the terrier we lost (16 pounds at her highest weight).

But Love Struck

But love struck my daughter, and nothing I could have said would have mattered. She paid the shelter $90, which included neutering and first shots, signed some paperwork and off we went.

Two Months Later

Terrier, now named Flash (Barry Allen) by my grandson, is a whopping 22 pounds, 8 ounces, and the dachshunds can walk under him! He’s fairly well housebroken and not a chewer except for his toys. He knows the “sit” command and is generally learning good manners.

His Heritage

But according to a DNA test kit my daughter ordered he has chow-chow and husky in his heritage along with a little grand pyrenees. I guess he’ll be much bigger.

My daughter and grandson love him. I must admit I’m a little attached too, as is my husband. During these times of required staying at home, Flash is a pretty good distraction.

Grave Marker for Two Dogs

I ordered a grave marker for two old family dogs, the terrier Nassi and an old dachshund JoJo, who died several years earlier. They are buried side by side in the back yard and share a marker that carries an appropriate message. I’m sure they are enjoying their time together.

The photo above, by the way, is Flash lying on the tiles on the back porch/laundry room.