Editor's Kid

To Mask or Not to Mask–I’m Masking

Like most of you (all of you), I hate masks. I don’t like the way they feel, especially as the weather warms up. I don’t like the way they muffle speech, especially since I have some hearing loss. I don’t like the way they mess up my hair.

But I’m Masking

But I’m putting up with this anyway. And that is despite the on-again, off-again government advisories and regulations. Why?

Just for Good Health

I haven’t had a cold in three years. I guess the mask has been protecting me. I haven’t had COVID. I guess the mask and vaccinations have been protecting me. I could relax mask wearing, and I actually have. But when I remember–and I remember often–I still wear a mask in public.

Hospitalizations Climbing

Hospitalizations are up 7 percent in the last week and new cases are up 33 percent. And we don’t know the whole story. With many people testing at home, the 33 percent may be higher. Deaths also continue.

Fourth Shot

I’m also planning to get the second booster, my fourth shot, when available locally. And I encourage others to do the same.

We’re Tired of Restrictions

We’re tired of the restrictions. But, for me anyhow, they seem to work. I have three masks in my handbag.