Editor's Kid

Trump’s Last Hurrah

Obviously what is written below happened before today’s violence at the U.S. Capitol. What a shame this president has brought upon us. What I wrote was in the early morning hours today as I was feeling joy about the election results in Georgia.

As for Twitter, Trump should have been suspended long ago. He’s a madman.

If President Trump thought his whining in Georgia would help the Senate candidates, he obviously was sadly mistaken. Thanks in part to his behavior on the stump in Georgia, the Senate will now be 50-50 it appears. With Vice President Kamala Harris as the tie-breaker, this gives Democrats control of both houses.

Outlandish Phone Call

Trump’s call to the Georgia secretary of state, demanding that he “find” votes to turn the outcome of the election surely was an impeachable offense. After all,  it threatened to disenfranchise the will of the Georgia voters in the presidential election.

Urging Voters to Stay Home

Trump went so far as to urge voters to stay home rather than participate in what hr called “rigged” senatorial elections.

The Result?

The result is a loss for the GOP Senate candidates, no great loss based upon what I know about the two. But it’s a dazzling win for Rev. Raphael Warnock, the first Black Senator elected in the Deep South and a narrow win for political newcomer Jon Ossoff.

What Does It Mean?

President Biden should have an easier time getting legislation passed. And the many House bills that have languished on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s desk will be able to move to a debate and vote.

Impact on Judiciary

The change in the Senate also holds some promise for restoring balance to the judiciary. But with three Trump-appointed U.S. Supreme Court justices and 230 lower-court judges appointed for life, these appointments will have lasting conservative impact.

After Today’s Vote

Today, losing Vice President Mike Pence will preside over a joint session of Congress to ratify the results of the Electoral College.

Will Trump Leave Quietly?

Apparently not. The nation and new administration face incredible challenges in the years ahead as we recover from near economic collapse, child separation at the border with Mexico, the gross mishandling of the Pandemic and oh-so-many other things that Trump has wrought.

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