Editor's Kid

Welcoming Afghans, Deporting Haitians

So far, the United States has welcomed some 31,000 Afghan refugees into its borders with another 50,000 expected next month and more to follow. And another 125,000 will arrive starting in October. That’s only right as those coming were our allies in the longest U.S. war in history.

 But the Haitians….

But when more than 12,000 Haitians arrive at our southern border with Mexico, they are being deported without the government’s even listening to their asylum claims. That’s a violation of international law, as I understand it. Why would these migrants be treated this way?

Daniel Foote’s resignation

The U.S. special envoy for Haiti has resigned from his position in a blistering letter. He said he could not be associated with the Biden administration’s decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees to Haiti, a move he called “inhumane” and “counterproductive” given the violence and deteriorating security situation in the country.

“Our policy approach to Haiti remains deeply flawed, and my recommendations have been ignored and dismissed,” Daniel Foote said in the letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Backing of defactor prime minister

Foote also criticizes the administration for backing Haiti’s de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry, a move he said did not learn from the mistakes of previous “international political interventions in Haiti.”

Most had been working in South America

Most of the current wave of migrants had been working in South America since Haiti was ravaged by an earthquake in 2010. But their trip northward had been perilous and difficult. They came based upon misinformation that they would be welcomed into the country. But apparently we don’t do that for people from Haiti.

Haiti is not safe

While Haiti is not safe for anyone, we can’t bring all 11 million Haitians to the U.S. Then there are another 11 million in the Dominican Republic. So wouldn’t it be better and cheaper to provide relief there so the migrants will feel safe at home?

Biden administration

The Biden administration has had its hands full of crises at home and abroad. But ignoring out southern border with Mexico needs serious and immediate attention. The President has the resources he can muster to work on multiple problems at once, so he needs to do that. Texas Governor Greg Abbott took the alarming step of building a wall of highway patrol vehicles to stop the flow. That shows his willingness to embarrass himself and his state, while the migration continues.

Flying migrants back to a ravaged country

Flying migrants back to a ravaged country isn’t the answer without aid on the ground. Hunting migrants down on horseback isn’t either. (Thank goodness those agents have been given desk duty!)

Treating people fairly

We just can’t open our arms to one group, especially those with lighter skin, while we round up and remove those of another, those with dark skin. There may be good reasons, but they certainly aren’t clear to me.