Editor's Kid

What the Mid-Terms are….and should be

Why, oh why, do the Mid-Terms always have to shape up as a referendum on the party in power? Why can’t they just be about the issues at hand.

What’s happening so far

So far, it appears the Mid-Terms are a showdown between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It’s not presidential election season, folks, so let’s slow down a little.

The balances don’t matter if the work gets done

In the end, it doesn’t matter who holds the majority. We just need the important work to be done. It looks, of course, already like the GOP will dominate in November. But aren’t we and the media calling this a bit early? Who knows what may happen between then and now.

So what’s important?

What matters are these things:

–Gun reform

–Voting rights

–Climate change

–The economy in general, including gas prices

–A woman’s right to choose

Cast your ballots for those things

So let’s vote for whichever candidate has the best solution to our problems, whether they are GOP, Democrat, Green Party or Independent. I don’t care. But I do care if these things go unaddressed while we see battles on television ads between Trump backers and Biden backers. It’s ridiculous.

Missouri state senator and border wall

The degree of ridiculousness is illustrated by this. A candidate for the state senate in Missouri is running ads about how he will finish Trump’s border wall. Huh? How can a state legislator in Missouri have much influence there at all? What Missouri issues is he interested in? (Because we live in northwest Arkansas, we are served by television news from Springfield, MO.)

The point is…

Obviously, the point is that this election needs to be about the issues. For me, I’ll not vote for anyone who doesn’t favor pretty radical gun reform. I won’t vote for anyone who doesn’t want to afford women control over their own bodies when it comes to abortion rights. I won’t vote for anyone who wants to restrict precious voting rights. I won’t vote for anyone who can’t intelligently address the economy and possible solutions. Same for climate change.

It’s not their time

Joe Biden and Donald Trump aren’t on the primary and Mid-Term ballots. Let’s keep it that way. There will be plenty of time for the presidential race after next November. For now, let’s get folks registered to vote and to the polls on election day. And let’s get them voting for the issues that matter, not personalities.