Editor's Kid

Human, humanity and humane treatment

We have a slaughter under way in Gaza with the U.S. Congress now considering more aid to Israel.

We have a humanitarian crisis at the border, not just with immigrants but with those trying to care for them.

We have a continuing war in Ukraine with stalling on the part of some members of Congress.

We face untold climate disaster that is likely to create even more human problems.

What are we to do?

Isn’t it clear that we need to think of spiritual leaders, no matter your personal faith path, and treat everyone as we would wish to be treated?

Most of us are not Native Americans. We, most of us, were born here, but our parents, grandparents and perhaps great’s and great-great’s weren’t. Some of our forebears were treated with kindness when they arrived. Many were not. But most of you reading this live in relative comfort and security.

Many don’t have it so great!

But more than 20,000 people have been killed in Gaza. The area also faces a severe hunger and medical emergency. The Israelis, waging war on civilians caught in the crossfire, aren’t letting up. In my opinion, before any more aid goes to Israel, a ceasefire must occur. Hostages need to be freed. And perhaps, most of all, humanitarian aid has to flow in. What the U.S. has allowed to occur is genocide. Yes, terrorism and horror brought it about. But what’s happening now is terribly wrong.

We just keep killing

And while all of our leaders give lip service to peace, it doesn’t happen. Instead, three U.S. service members die needlessly. And the U.S. broadens conflict by retaliating.

And then Zelensky waits

And then President Zelensky waits somewhat abandoned while Republicans refuse to grant him the defense he needs. Again, we want peace, of course. But if Russia rolls over Ukraine, what will happen to U.S. defense spending? Will Putin stop once he’s gotten a green light into Eastern Europe? Seems doubtful.

And then there’s immigration

Donald Trump wags his finger. And the GOP listens. It listens to a fountain of foolishness. How can a border bill that promises to meet GOP longtime demands be bad? How can waiting any longer be bad? How can border cities wait any longer? How can Chicago, New York and Los Angeles wait? Most importantly, how can the migrants sitting outside in all weather with their children wait?

Do we enjoy watching suffering?

Texas Governor Greg Abbott must have thought he’d really put one over on the U.S. Border Patrol! He closed off access to a public park in Eagle Pass, so the Patrol couldn’t render aid to a mother and children trying to cross into Texas. They drowned. I’ll be the governor sleeps well with that on his conscience. The wading through razor wire continues, though, as GOP members of Congress and governors look on. How can they do that?

Biden and these issues

Let’s keep in mind that Biden put an immigration reform package in front of Congress as soon as he took office. It languished. Now, he’s given every concession possible. He’s asked for Israeli assistance, Ukraine assistance, border assistance and help from rich taxpayers (who aren’t paying their fair share). But the GOP fights back.


It’s not over any time soon

And please understand, problems are happening around the world. The Middle East is exploding. Famine is exploding. Climate change is real. We’ll face migrants from many countries all over the globe. And smarter heads than mine will have to solve the crises as we all give our fair share to help.

We’re all human beings

Everyone is human. Everyone should possess the ability to care for humanity. And everyone is entitled to humane treatment. Oh, and as for Texas secession? I don’t care, but they can’t. It would be fine for Abbott to leave, though. In fact, it would probably make things a lot better.